Thursday, January 2, 2020

Copyright Infringement is Immoral - 1165 Words

The average person wouldnt even consider walking into a music store and stealing a CD, however, with todays technology getting music without paying for it is so easy it barely seems illegal. Copyright infringement is a huge ethical issue going on right now. From downloading movies and music from peer-to-peer programs as well as various websites to being able to stream a movie at the click of a button without a copy ever being saved on the computer its so simple, anyone could get addicted to doing it. For some of these reasons many argue that copyright infringement is a moral thing to do, but on the other hand others believe it is just as immoral as stealing. When comparing and contrasting reasons for why copyright infringement is moral and why it is immoral I think when it comes down to it it is stealing and would obviously be immoral. Before comparing the morality of copyright infringement it needs to be understood what copyright infringement is and how it is done. Coming directly f rom the United States Copyright Office. Copyright infringement is â€Å"when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner† (par 5). Its pretty obvious that downloading copyrighted music from a website for free without owners permission is copyright infringement, but there are other things that also constitute as infringement that many people havent even considered. For example:Show MoreRelatedCopyright And Copyright Of Copyright1097 Words   |  5 PagesMain heading: Introduction Content: Introduction Copyright †¢ What is a copyright †¢ Protection †¢ Registration †¢ Infringement Trademarks †¢ What is a trademark †¢ Trademark registration †¢ Trademark infringement Patents †¢ What is a patent †¢ Types of patents †¢ Patent registration References Main heading: Copyright Content: A Copyright is legal protection granted to original works, however it does not cover an idea in and of itself, it only covers the expression of it in a fixed or physical form. TheRead MoreThe Definition Of Illegal, Unethical And Immoral1152 Words   |  5 PagesThe Definition of Illegal, Unethical and Immoral Definitions are important in any piece of persuasive writing. In particular, it is important that both the writer and the reader understand the particular term that is being defined. This process makes sure that both the author and the reader have the same definitions. 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